Several of you are preparing to send pictures which I can’t wait to share with everyone.
I was saddened by the news of Junior McWhorter’s death. When Junior was looking after our land, I used to stop by and visit with him often which was always a pleasure. One day in response to my query about what he was doing, he replied that he arose every morning and rolled up his pants. Ever time I taught T. S. Eliot’s 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' and encountered that line, “I grow old... I grow old/ I shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled” I thought of him. Junior and Joe Stovall were friends, and I think for a while business partners.
I also remember when Mrs. Matthews and her family moved to Plantersville living on the Plantersville/Richmond Road. Evie Lou is my age and was in my class. She and her husband, James, live in Mooreville, and I have had the pleasure of seeing them a couple of times in the past ten years.
Thanks to Gloria Temple Holland, Her Honor the Mayor, for sharing information on the progress of Plantersville, and I encourage you, if possible, to help with the boys and girls clubs; the young people living there today do not have the benefit of a Cecil Johnson.
For years I searched for information on the destroyer that Phil Lee served on. I even bought a book which told the story of every destroyer that sank in the war. Thanks to the Internet, I discovered that his ship did not sink but was hauled to shore and eventually repaired. Phil Lee suffered an injury when he jumped into the sea.
I’m about to run out of stories and pictures of Plantersville and look forward to you sharing yours with all of us.