So many uplifting notes and thoughts have come from kin and friends as we observed the one-year mark yesterday. Steve's note, which arrived right on the day, re-affirmed the wonderful Plantersville Connection that meant so much to George. Dorothy Shawhan's sweet, supportive message of remembrance, also received yesterday, was accompanied by a clipping about the reenactment of the Presley wedding in which Steve played the part of the officiating minister.
Polly Marshall did indeed read George's requested Rossetti poem for us to mark the date yesterday evening.
To all who have prayed for us, thought about us, so many, many thanks, and as the saying goes, 'words can't express.'
If I've felt like I've been sleepwalking through the past 12 months, it's time to wake up and move on--but never ever forget.
George Morris was indeed the best.
I notice that an effort entitled July 6, or a year later, or words to that effect got lost somewhere. I wonder where, what I did or didn't do. Not a clue . . .