Friday, December 21, 2007

Fireworks on Christmas Eve

June Harris sent the following inquiry:
"I want to know if people still do fireworks on Christmas Eve in Mississippi. We always did when I was there, but we're the only people I know who did that. By only people, I mean, us folks in Northeastern Mississippi. I don't recall ever doing fireworks for Fourth of July, but they were a must for Christmas Eve. Roman candles, the whole deal."

George responds: If I recall correctly, Roy Partlow's store's parking lot was ablaze with fireworks on Christmas Eve and maybe even the weeks leading up to Christmas. I, also, think I received fireworks along with fruit and candy from Santa.

June's question brings back memories of the activity on Christmas Eve at Mr. Roy's store next door to us. Customers, mostly men, carried out boxes of fruit and candy and other goodies. I even recall a time, probably 1947 or 48, when many, if not most, of those boxes were loaded onto wagons pulled by horses or mules.

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