Thursday, September 28, 2006

Johnson House

I sent a copy of this picture to Cathy Johnson Garret, and here is her reply:

"The brick house (Mother’s house) was built in 1968 by the Estes men – David, Harris, Morgan, and a few others. They donated most of the labor, so my parents only had to finance a small 10 yr. mortgage, mostly for the material. The old parsonage where I grew up was built around 1940 by Charlie Bucy, so whoever was pastor then was its first occupant. It was occupied by the Johnsons from May 1952 until winter of 1965-66(?). The last pastor’s family to live there were the Lindseys. First pastor to occupy the new parsonage next to the church was David Hall."

1 comment:

Zoilus said...

Gawd, Si is rolling over in his grave with that front yard looking so bleak. It was a garden of eden when I was a child.