Saturday, March 15, 2008

Current Update on Linda Partlow

"Linda is still in ICU and still in very guarded condition. Dr. Arnoletti informed me yesterday that tests are indicating some liver damage from the vascular surgery. She is still on the ventilator and still very sedated; they want her body to rest as much as possible. Her vital signs remain stable except when we are visiting her and then her blood pressure and heart rate increases because she is trying to talk - imagine Linda wanting to talk!!! We can rouse her a little when we get to go in to visit. She is able to squeeze my hand and slightly nod yes/no to simple questions. She gave me a small wink yesterday and Kathy Cooke, her high school friend, got her to give a slight smile by telling her a funny story from the past. I just spoke with the nurse and she had a good night. Pray specifically today that her liver will begin to heal itself and that she will progress enough to come off the ventilator which will make her more comfortable. Also pray tha t we can keep her still and not talking and directing too much once she begins to wake up a little more - she loves to be in charge :-) However, since she appointed me the general when this all started two weeks and I haven't been demoted, guess I still get to be in charge...for a little while.

Thank you for your e-mails and calls - they mean a lot to me and I am saving them for Linda.
I feel so blessed that God has given us so many wonderful friends who are supporting us with prayer during this time.

His plan is perfect and I am at peace!


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