Wednesday, October 06, 2010


The weather here finally feels like fall though it is supposed to warm up again this weekend. We have been busy with fall activities; Carly and her friends cheered for a quarter at a recent football game and then performed at the half, and will dance during the half time show this Friday night. Last Sunday, Carly played in her first softball game.

The lead story in this morning's paper stated that the young man responsible for the wreck that killed Leigh Anne Ward, Bobbie's daughter, was indicted for manslaughter.

I learned that Harry York died recently; belated sympathy to Peggy and Stephanie and all his family. Mr. York lived next door to Butch back when I spent much of my time at Butch's house. I understand that he lived in Dorsey. My next door neighbor who is full time with the National Guard and will deploy overseas soon grew up in Dorsey.

I know that some of you watch Calvary Baptist Church's televised services. The minister, David Eldridge, grew up in Clinton and attended First Baptist here, and the music minister, Doug Spires, is the son of friends of ours, Jerry and Joyce, who also attend our church while Steve Hurt another minister there is the son-in-law of another member at First Baptist. There's quite a Clinton connection at Calvary.

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