Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Partlow House, the Tree and the Store

Note the tree on the left, when I was small, I would sit against that tree waiting for cars to drive by; in my memory the tree was much larger, and cars seldom passed. Eleanor Ann Partlow lived in the white house; she and her husband lived in Jackson for many years. Several years ago, she moved back to Lee County and now lives in Mooreville and works at the Elvis Presley Birthplace. One of my earliest memories is being awaken in the middle of the night to watch the Partlow's barn burn.

Is that a house just east of Monts's store? If so, who lived there?

1 comment:

Jack Price said...

The House East of the Stores was Mr and Mrs Bailey's House..Pete Bailey's Mother and Father...East of that House was the old Store of Mr Harve Mitchell...