Thursday, December 14, 2006

Morning Paper

This picture was in this morning's Clinton News; the bald headed guy is enough to put you off your morning coffee. About this time of year, the living room table at Mama's house would be laden with goodies, pies, cakes and candy. Doris made many different types; among which was a carmel one filled with pecans. One day when our daughter was about ten or so, she brought home some candy her best friend's mother had made. The mother told Carole she couldn't share the recipe since it was a secret family one. When I tasted it, I realized it was the candy Doris used to make. My Aunt Lucille found the recipe in her home economic textbook from high school, and at one time, Aunt Johnnie made it and sold it through an antique shop in Tupelo.

Carole's essay about the secret candy recipe was published in today's paper.

I'll publish the secret family recipe in another post.


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