Friday, August 29, 2008

Joan and Jimmy

I borrowed this picture of Jimmy and Joan Jeffreys from Amy Bostick's blog. Jimmy, as many of you know, is married to Sharon Monts, and Joan, who underwent back surgery this week, lives in south Alabama.

Jimmy and Joan are Carole's first cousins. Carole and I met in the spring of 1964; despite having been in high school together for one year, neither of us remembers encountering the other in school.

In the spring of 1965, on a Tuesday night, Carole and I had our first date, and the next day Jimmy and Sharon married at the Methodist Church in Plantersville, I think. Amy correct me if I have that wrong.

To continue this small world story; Jimmy and Joan's mother once dated my uncle, and their father, Benjamin, worked at the Strand, later the Tupelo, theater, where many of us spent our Saturdays.

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