Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mrs. Ruby Rooker

I want to express sympathy to the family of Mrs. Ruby Rooker. Her daughter, Betty, graduated with me, but I don't think they lived at Plantersville when we were in school together. When did the Rooker family move to Plantersville? Betty and her husband are retired college professors, Betty taught English and now lives in Fulton. Her husband Terry has a wonderful Web site that I think you would find of interest: http://hillcountryofmonroecountry.blogspot.com/

Joyce Rooker and Carole were friends, were in the same class and worked together at the Tupelo Library.

I first became aware that the Rooker family lived in Plantersville years ago when I stopped by Cecil's and read a note on his door that he was walking. I turned in front of the Baptist Church and then turned on the road that came out at Jiggs Monts' house; however, they were paving the county road that goes to Verona and I pulled into a driveway to turn around. The mail box indicated that Kingsleys lived there. Since my mother was a Kingsley, I called a relative and asked which Kingsley lived in Plantersville and discovered that Ronald and Ellen lived there. Ronald is the son of my first cousin, Charles Kingsley, and I had met Ellen several times but did not know she was a Rooker or that her parents lived in the house next to the one I turned around in.

The Rooker family has been a part of Plantersville for a long time, and Mrs. Ruby will be missed.

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