Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Miss Dixie's Class

This picture is of Miss Dixie's first grade class in the early 50s. I can identify only three: Bobbie Gooch, Mike Collier and Bubba Rogers.

June Harris: The girl sitting next to Bobbie Gooch is, I think, Peggy Cook. And isn't the tall boy in the back one of the Wilson kids?


C J Garrett said...

Ok, I'll take a stab at identifying some of these. I may be all wrong, but these are my best guesses.

Martha Jean Morgan is on the far left front. If that's right, then Lynette Partlow and Brenda Walker are in this group, too. I'm guessing #2 is Lynette, #3 is Brenda. You never saw one of them without the other 2. #8 from left is Wanda Allred. #9 is Sharon Monts. #12 is Peggy Cook. #13 Bobbie Gooch.

The problem with this is that these kids were not all in the same grade. Did Miss Dixie have 1st and 2nd grade together, by any chance?

My memory may be more rusty than I realize. Was Mike Collier not able to id them?

Susan said...

The girl on the front row wearing glasses and white boots and a striped shirt is Betty Randolph is went to school til High school she attended Shannon.. and graduated in 1963. I have this same picture..
I am Susan Caygle daughter of Betty..